Friday, May 6, 2011


All four members of my family being sick with a cold at once can fuck off.

Not being able to ease my children's stuffed up sinuses can fuck off.

Not being able to take Sudafed can fuck off.

My state contemplating making pseuduoephedrine products available by prescription only can fuck off with rusty razorblade lined baseball bats. Lubricated with ghost pepper oil. May the sponsors of that bill be ass-plowed by the First Wookie on a four-wheeler wearing her giant prick of a husband as a strap-on.

That's all for me, but I think that's enough.


ricki said...

Students who willfully ignore the big red "58%" on the first exam, "62%" on the second exam, and "52%" on the third exam, and then come all teary-eyed to me on the last day of class wanting to know how they can pass can FTFO.

As can the student who plagiarized a paper, got it back, said nothing, and now a WEEK later is e-mailing me claiming they gave me a "draft" instead of their real paper and wanting to hand the "real" one in now.

Honey, do I REALLY look that stupid? Seriously. I did not fall off a turnip truck, nor was I born yesterday.

The Fifth String said...

Aw jeez, HH, tell the whole family to get better soon. And yes on the jerkwads in legislatures who screw over the rest of us in the "war on drugs." Asswipes.

Ricki, the worst are the plagiarizers and cheats. Too often, they get backing from parents and dickhead administrators and even *spit* lawyers. A pox on them.

Death can FTFOAD. Well, except for one recently well-publicized case, for which my heart soars in gratitude and respect for a certain team of Navy SEALS. And a major shout out to one Barry Obama. I have my issues with him, but he done good making this call*.

Now if his team would just pick a damned story and stick with it.

*Yeah, I know about the 16 hours and the various "reasons" postulated for the action. I choose to ignore them. Barry, ya done good.