Friday, August 17, 2012

the New Black Panther Party

They can fuck off.  They've just taken old, racist, white supremacist rhetoric and done a "find and replace" to turn it into anti-white hate speech.*

Not only does that totally lack originality, but some of the threats made really make most of the people you're threatening angry, not fearful or uncomfortable.  And that bleeds over, in some cases, on your claimed "brothers."

Yes, by claiming that you're speaking for your entire fucking race (as defined by skin color), you are making your entire race look bad.

So, to those racist pieces of cockbiting parasitical twatwaffles can fuck the fuck off, hard enough that eighteen generations of their ancestors feel violated.  They can fuck off with a cricket bat with sharpened corners covered with glass and lubed with acid. 

Aw, fuck it.  That bunch is so oblivious, they'd be certain that it was happening because the white man was trying to put him back in his place.

1 comment:

Kate P said...

Man, I don't think anything will change until people stop claiming to be victims 24/7.

A big FO to teachers who engage in "relationships" (abuse) with students. Especially students under 18. Another one came up in the local news this week and I'm just sickened. They should FO with the used aforementioned cricket bat, repeatedly.