A place to vent your frustrations and, just maybe, feel a little better for having told them to FO. With Cheese.
Friday, January 6, 2012
My left ovary
I swear it's trying to claw its way out of my body. It's sending random, shooting pains through my entire pelvis and down my left leg. It can fuck off. With prejudice.
Ugh, sorry to hear you're hurting. Would a heat pack help?
Anyone who directs a "You're too picky" judgment my way when they find out I'm still single can totally FO. I will never settle. Deal with it.
Aw man, hope you get to feeling better, HH!
After that, just plain old fuck off to Friday meetings.
Kate: indeed. Never settle. I wish more people were pickier--the world would be a happier place.
Ken: indeed.
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