Last week, there was a huge stink about the whole budget mess. I love the way ASM826 put it—the debt is the mountain of shit at a cattle ranch, and the deficit is the load from the day, carried out to be dumped onto the mountain.
Congress can fuck off for using a teacup to remove shit from the deficit, rather than taking a backhoe to the mountain of debt. My GRANDKIDS won't be able to pay off what they're doing today. We went to war with the British over shit like this—it's nothing more nor less than taxing our future with no representation—and those fucknuckles are squabbling over what they want to add to the debt load carried by our descendants ten times removed.
A housewife could design a better budget, one that would have our soldiers in no danger of going unpaid. Nor would it treat the social security (mis)trust fund like a piggy bank to pay for treats.
So yeah, congress can fuck the fuck off for being the idiot going on a spending spree with other people's credit cards. And we the people can fuck off for electing them and handing them ours.
"A housewife could design a better budget"
I propose the Republicans find one, and run her for President in 2012. (Well, she'd also have to be someone who was good at mediating probably get a housewife who's also a mom with a few kids).
I think the IRS can FO (since it's tax day). I'm not one of those "no one should be taxed at all, EVAH" zealots but I do resent spending an entire day every year fighting my way through the idiotic legalese on the forms makes me long for a truly flat tax, or even a consumption tax, in place of this soul-stealing mess.
Also, the demagogues who say that the "rich" aren't "paying their fair share" can FTFO. Because:
a. A lot of the "rich" are the farmers and small business people, and taxing them out of existence would be dumb and suicidal for us as a nation
b. The "rich" tend to be the people who hire other people: who create jobs and wealth
c. The top 1% of people in wealth paid something like 25% (actually, more) of all federal tax money, if you include things like excise taxes and such. Telling them they're "not doing enough" because of what I assume is pure envy, is really hateful.
d. You KNOW that some of the jerks (like Michael Moore) screaming for the rich to pay their fair share - even though they themselves are rich - well, they've got some sweet tax shelters. (I don't know about Moore personally, but I'd be willing to bet a lot of those high-money people screaming about taxing the rich have got money socked away in some kind of tax-sheltered thing)
Teething and acid reflux can fuck off. I'd get the pixie on Prevacid instead of Zantac (dose determined by weight--which means she outgrows the dose fairly quick) if we could afford it.
Well, I'm a day late, but I'm gonna add mine in, anyway, because it totally broke my heart this week.
The parent who let the kid miss the class field trip because said parent could not keep it together for 24 freaking hours. My heart just dropped when I walked down to the office to sign in and saw the kid sitting there, getting consoled by my co-librarian. I don't get you. I understand your ex is a mess, too, but you hurt your kids repeatedly.
I really hope this kid's parents crawl out from their respective black holes before it's too late and the kid ends up just as much a mess as they are.
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