Friday, February 18, 2011

Why do we have to hurt our kids for their own good?

My baby girl got her first shots, the day before yesterday, which prompt today's post.

First, having to hold your baby down while someone else hurts them can fuck right off, with bells on. I know it's so she won't get horribly sick later, but the look in those huge eyes when they stuck her chubby little baby legs nearly made me cry.

Second, this guy: Andrew Wakefield. He's another example of sheer evil. I don't know what else to call a guy that tries to scare parents out of getting their kids immunized with one vaccine to try to get his on the market and make money on one hand, and hurts disabled kids on the other, also to make money.


Kate P said...

Aw, poor kid. Aren't they coming up with better ways to administer shots??? I know it's not exactly the same thing, but I hated listening to my cat wail at the vet's this past week.

The idiot teacher-blogger who had no idea how to blog anonymously and now is whining about being fired for what she said about her students can totally FO. Now she's loafing around on paid suspension and then going out on maternity leave in a few weeks. Life is sooooooooooo hard for some people.

The Fifth String said...

That Wakefield puke should be in prison.

WV: arocank - Wakefield (and his ilk.)

ricki said...

My FO is for people who whine about cuts to federal/state spending and seem incapable of seeing that the cuts are the ONLY way to prevent major, major problems in the future.

Look, people: would you rather take a $200 a month pay cut now, or be UNEMPLOYED in a bankrupt state in a year and a half?

I don't know. I see it as being like the family around the kitchen table: "Mom's been laid off. So now we are going to drop cable and stop eating meals out, so we can continue to afford to keep the house."

Sometimes you just have to deal with pain now to prevent worse pain in the future.

(N.B.: Not my state, we're actually doing OK right now)