I'm taking a vacation from following politics. I don't want my son's second word being my usual response to reading about something else The Qucker Fucker-Upper has done (credit for the name goes to Vilmar at the Kickin' and Screamin' blog).
Congress (which at first I spelled "CongrASS," seems apt) can FTFO. Seriously.
We had a revolution in this country some 233 years ago to stop being ruled by an aristocracy that was corrupt and cared little for the desires and needs of the common man.
It seems we once again have a petty aristocracy, only this time they can claim we elected them.
We had a revolution 233 years ago.
Perhaps it is time for another one.*
(Oh, and borderline-migraine headaches can FTFO, especially when they make me go all dyslexic like they sometimes do)
(*And yeah, yeah, I know. I'm now probably on some watch-list for being a "dangerous" person. I hasten to add that the revolution I most want is one at the ballot box.)
Absolutely, on all counts, Ricki. And though my infant son squealing is adorable most of the time, it most decidedly is NOT cute when my head hurts, and he's doing his angry little teakettle impression.
A broken AC can fuck off. An AC that keeps breaking can fuck off. However, the fact that fixing it is going to be far easier and far less expensive than originally thought - non-fucked.
I agree with Cullen: my a/c broke Wed nite, and Thursday was 100+ degrees. Whatever a capacitor is, it can fuck off for breaking after less than 5 years. But the fact that it could be fixed quickly and that it wasn't the compressor? That totally rocks.
YES to the major FO to Congress/CongrASS (tm Ricki). A very special one to Arlen Specter for sending around this semi-gushing Washingtong Post article about him and the judicial nominee questioning. No, Arlen, don't be coy with the "I never said that I was going to vote for her." After how you kept going on about "exemplary" this and "empathy" that, we really DO know how you're going to vote. Jackass.
Also, the display of magazines about MJ behind me at the bookstore register this week can fuck off. If I had a nickel for every time someone made a comment like, "Wow, there's a lot of stuff about him," or "Boy, everybody's selling all this stuff about him all of a sudden," I'd be able to quit.
Congress can fuck off. For the usual reasons.
Oh, and Obama can fuck off as well, for trying to ram his socialist legislation shit down our throats.
Agreed, Jeff.
I'm taking a vacation from following politics. I don't want my son's second word being my usual response to reading about something else The Qucker Fucker-Upper has done (credit for the name goes to Vilmar at the Kickin' and Screamin' blog).
Other than that, CCFOAD. Again.
Congress (which at first I spelled "CongrASS," seems apt) can FTFO. Seriously.
We had a revolution in this country some 233 years ago to stop being ruled by an aristocracy that was corrupt and cared little for the desires and needs of the common man.
It seems we once again have a petty aristocracy, only this time they can claim we elected them.
We had a revolution 233 years ago.
Perhaps it is time for another one.*
(Oh, and borderline-migraine headaches can FTFO, especially when they make me go all dyslexic like they sometimes do)
(*And yeah, yeah, I know. I'm now probably on some watch-list for being a "dangerous" person. I hasten to add that the revolution I most want is one at the ballot box.)
Absolutely, on all counts, Ricki. And though my infant son squealing is adorable most of the time, it most decidedly is NOT cute when my head hurts, and he's doing his angry little teakettle impression.
A broken AC can fuck off. An AC that keeps breaking can fuck off. However, the fact that fixing it is going to be far easier and far less expensive than originally thought - non-fucked.
I agree with Cullen: my a/c broke Wed nite, and Thursday was 100+ degrees. Whatever a capacitor is, it can fuck off for breaking after less than 5 years. But the fact that it could be fixed quickly and that it wasn't the compressor? That totally rocks.
YES to the major FO to Congress/CongrASS (tm Ricki). A very special one to Arlen Specter for sending around this semi-gushing Washingtong Post article about him and the judicial nominee questioning. No, Arlen, don't be coy with the "I never said that I was going to vote for her." After how you kept going on about "exemplary" this and "empathy" that, we really DO know how you're going to vote. Jackass.
Also, the display of magazines about MJ behind me at the bookstore register this week can fuck off. If I had a nickel for every time someone made a comment like, "Wow, there's a lot of stuff about him," or "Boy, everybody's selling all this stuff about him all of a sudden," I'd be able to quit.
Uh, WashingTON, not "Washingtong." I can't type this week to save my life.
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