Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm too fucking tired. People who expect one person to manage to do the work of eight and have the results in yesterday can fuck off. Seriously FUCK OFF. Especially the ones who wait until the last minute and then expect me to make miracles happen because they couldn't be bothered sooner. I've been worn the fuck out by these people over the last few weeks. I am ONE FUCKING PERSON, idiots. I can only do so much so fast.


Heroditus Huxley said...

That Harvard professor, Henry Lewis Gates, Jr., that blew everything out of proportion and played the race card when the police were called to his home can FUCK the FUCK OFF. You fucking douche, they were trying to protect your home--your neighbor called them, saying she saw two black men wearing jeans and carrying backpacks forcing the door. Your total overreaction and that of The One, calling the cops racist and commenting that they acted "stupidly"? Yeah, you and The One can definitely fuck off for that.

For your infor-FUCKING-mation, the cops don't know who the fuck you are. They don't know you're a fucking endowed fucking Harvard fucking professor. When they asked you to fucking step out onto the porch to show them some fucking ID, they were fucking trying to protect your fucking nasty-tempered, nasty-spirited ass. They were trying to make sure you weren't being held hostage, and if you were, to get you out of the fucking situation.

The only racists I see in this situation are the professor, the president, and possibly the neighbor that called the cops (though, statistically, she's right to have called, she ought to know who she's living near, at least by sight).

JeffS said...

People who expect one person to manage to do the work of eight and have the results in yesterday can fuck off. Seriously FUCK OFF.

A-fuckin'-MEN, Emily! I'm going through a similar exercise right now. And the REALLY stupid part? IT'S ALL ABOUT HOW SHORT WE ARE IN THE WORKFORCE. Christ on a pogo stick! Crank out a stupid (and meaningless!) spreadsheet about how we think we should be doing our job, just so the bean counters can do a FIVE fucking YEAR BUDGET FORECAST!?!?!?!?!?

Fuck that with a flaming goat sishkebab!!!!! And the bureaucratic crap weasels who have been ramping up the hysterical reactions across the country.

HH, you are so on the money. When Salon fer-God's-sake posts an anonymous article telling Gates to Shut The Fuck Up, you KNOW that idiot is way way WAY overboard.

And I'd like to offer a tentative "Fuck Yeah!" to Congress for not passing those Shit Sandwiches knows as "Health Care" and "Cap And Trade" during this session.

I say "tentative" because the bills ain't dead, they just couldn't meet The Won™'s insane legislative large part because a fair number of the fuckwits in Congree think they don't go far enough. They still might pass. But at least the minority of rational and sane minority people still in Congresss have more time to kick these socialistic nightmares to death.

So the Congressional "Fuck Yeah!" is REALLY for living down to my expectations of being a bunch of spoiled gits too focused on their own desires to do their jobs, and getting in each other's way sufficiently to stop those particular trains for a while.

But it sucks that I am "high fiving" incompetence. And that can fuck off as well.

X_LA_Native said...

Ditto to everything HH just said. Way to go, Barry, you schmuck.

I haven't played on the FFOT in a long time because everyone's seemed to address my FOs rather well, thankyallverymuch.


To all the people that shrug and say, "Well, they're going to ram healthcare through so I better start getting used to the idea..."

FUCK OFF for acting like anything that springs from the foul heads of these thieving ghouls is a fait accompli anymore. IT IS NOT.

I work at home so scooting my chair over to the fax machine is easy and it's on my dime, but I've been hammering these craven assholes every. damned. day.
Every. damned. day my list increases by one. and every. damned. day. I send one more fax and email. I started on this tack with eight, I'm up to sixteen.

FUCK OFF to the people who email me, "X...are they really going to put XYZ in a healthcare bill?"
FUCK OFF you lazy asses who'd know ten times more than you do already if you'd even read Drudge instead of TMZ.
FUCK OFF with your whining to ME about the direction of the House and Senate while fully expecting that since I know every detail and have been phoning and emailing and faxing you don't have to.

Next time, all I'm going to ask, "What'd you do about it today?"

I AM the mouse that roared, but FUCK OFF to me for being their proxy for so long.

Maggie May said...

I have been absent form the FFOT for a long time because I have been too fucking busy to post...and that right there can fuck off with an overbooked calendar.

HH - absofuckinglutely. You nailed it. Gates and all of his supporters can definitely fuck the fuck off.

For my part, I would like to add the following: ovarian cancer cancer can fuck off with extreme prejudice. I lost a dear friend recently to this insidious disease, and my daughter-in-law is getting ready to start treatment for it. Camille, I hope you kick its ass!

Also, the deep dark depression that led my cousin to take his own life this week can fuck of with a smoking gun. There is simply nothing more to say.

Finally, contractors who claim to be so financially bereft, then don't return phone calls or show up on their scheduled work dates can fuck off with a splintered 2x4 shot with rusty nails. Nearly 5 weeks after the plumbing leak in our house, we still have no drywall and are on contractor number 4. No wonder you fucking assholes are broke. Yeah, the economy sucks, but you might try, oh I don't know, working the jobs that ARE avialable instead of crying in your fucking beer over all the ones that aren't. I don't feel sorry for you anymore, you whiny fucks.

Ahhhh. Thank you. I feel better. I have missed this place.

Val Prieto said...

Ditto HH and all of the above.

Ill make mine short:


Heroditus Huxley said...

Val, I hate to say this, but...

They ARE fucking sheep. Otherwise, they'd have noticed that, though he *believes* in something, what he believes in and what he says he believes in have nothing to do with one another, and would never have fallen for the smoke and mirrors bullshit.

Or else, they believe so strongly in what he claimed to believe in that they simply couldn't see past the rhetoric to the real son of a bitch behind it.

ricki said...

What HH said about Gates. And Obama, for putting his foot in a situation about which he didn't have all the information, but jumping to conclusions.

My main F off?

Obamacare. Or what it sounds like it is going to be.

And a double F off to the "Ooh, we have to push this through before our VACATION." (Code for: this has to be pushed through before the Congresscritters get back home and get an earful from their constituents about how they HATE the idea of national health care)

Hells no! You are going to be changing a major part of the US economy, you are going to be doing something that is going to affect every freaking person in the country, and you are going to be raising your taxes, and you can't be arsed to even read the whole damn proposal because of your effing VACATION!

I can't remember if it was Sean Hannity or Michael Medved that said, "We need a law that says no lawmaker can vote on a bill before he or she has read it fully" and I completely agree.

I fear we're gonna get stuck with something really sucky.

2010 cannot come fast enough for me. 2012 even more so. I just hope someone who can win is put up against Obama....

Heroditus Huxley said...

Amen, Ricki. We need more than somebody that can win--we need somebody that believes, and believes hard, in what the Founding Fathers set up, and will work towards it. I don't care which party they're from.

The Fifth String said...

Amen to all of the above.

And fuck off to the feckin' idiots driving on I-5. For chrissake, people, if you're not actively passing, don't park your ass in the left lane. ESPECIALLY when you're going below the speed limit with miles of empty lane in front of you.

punishyourma said...

The I-5 can fuck off.

ricki said...

Another one, from driving home: motorcyclists who tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, and then give you an obscene gesture when you don't anticipate their EVERY move can FTFO.

There are many people I know who are responsible motorcyclists; the ones who are not can FTFO with gravel-encrusted road rash.

I nearly had a guy run into me on his bike because I had to stop because the car ahead of me was doing something idiotic. And I didn't see loser on the bike because he was (a) going too fast for traffic and ran up on my ass before I could see him and (b) he was weaving in and out of lanes.

I do not think I deserved the bird he flipped at me as he roared past; he probably would have been in a worse way if I had rear-ended the idiot in front of me and actually come to a FULL stop as a result.

Oh, and he was an organ donor. I know that because he was riding recklessly in heavy traffic without a helmet or even leathers. (He was in shorts and a t-shirt, and little thin canvas sneakers. I know it's hot, but seriously - not smart on a motorcycle when you're on a highway with traffic going 70.) I just hope whoever eventually gets his organs doesn't transform into someone who behaves like an a-hole because of them.

The Fifth String said...

"The I-5 can fuck off."

Yeah. Bad enough dealing with the schmucks bottling it up down the valley, but that stretch between Griffith Park and Anaheim can fuck the fuck off with knobs on. Bumper to bumper on a SATURDAY on the way down, and bumper to bumper at NOON on the way back.

Ricki, that's exactly why the Sainted Bride refers to them as "donorcycles".

punishyourma said...

And the stretch of the 91 from the South Bay to the I-5 onramp can fuck off for being such a fucking mess until you pass the 5. And every idiot who causes some lame accident that makes it even worse can fuck off. It makes me dread going to Angels and Ducks games.

Julie said...

The only good thing about I-5: Pea Soup Andersen's in Santa Nella. Mmmm that Traveller's Special...

Kate P said...

Right on, my fellow FO-issuers.

Dysfunctional jobs fuck off. So can getting dumped on. And passive-aggressive people who keep changing the rules. I never committed to your event, woman, and I meant it. So don't be all, "Oh, you mean you're not staying late tonight to welcome the teen volunteers?" NO. I told you before that it was my father's birthday and I had plans with my family. If you think I should blow off my family for work, you've got your priorities wrong. Besides, this is your event and you hand-picked the few teens you wanted to help out, so WTF is there for me to do?

And stop stepping all over the rest of us because you changed your mind about how soon you wanted things done, thereby making us look as if we weren't getting things done fast enough. What we do is not a matter of life or death, so stop with the micromanaging already. Plus it's a really bad idea to piss off the person in charge of volunteers, because that person won't be too quick to help you next time.