Friday, August 30, 2013


Yesterday, a friend of mine was hospitalized because of changes to her insurance.   It's insisting that, for maintenance medicines like her diabetes testing supplies and insulin, she cannot use a local pharmacy, and must mail order three months' worth of her prescriptions at a time.  And neither the doctor's office, the insurance company, nor the mail order pharmacy are cooperating.  She ran out of both her meds and her testing supplies a week ago.

The same friend that went off about how her Aspie fiance should just man up and grow up, and learn to deal with changes and disappointments is now saying that my friend should have just done something and stayed on the insurance company, doctor's office, and pharmacy until she got what she needed, and that it was her fault for not, and her fiance's fault for not being able to find a job so that they can afford more.

It's not my friend's fault that her insurance changed.  It's not her fiance's fault that he can't find a job.  There is one thing behind both problems: the "Affordable" Care Act. 

And it's not just them, either.  Angel's also facing similar fallout in wanting to continue caring for her daughter.  

The authors of that particular ass-rape of a bill can fuck the fucking fuckety fuck off.  May they contract physical halitosis to match that of their spirits.  And may they be forced into a position where they face the consequences of their own horrible law, from really bad medical care to having their hours cut or their jobs eliminated. 


hiswiserangel said...

On top of that? The massive clerical butt-rape of Obamacare has convinced the girls' dr (the only one in Amarillo who specializes in treating autism, using both traditional medicine and holistic approaches) has decided to stop seeing Medicaid patients. Our options are cash or keep her on our insurance for as long as we have it.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Thank GOD our insurance is grandfathered in. Beyond that, we tend to pay cash--doctors' offices love us.