Friday, August 23, 2013

another list

Wearing heeled boots after five years of nothing but combat boots or tennis shoes is killing my feet and legs.  Especially after being on my feet in the classroom for nearly two hours straight for two days this week.  And that pain can fuck right the fucking fuck off. 

The "Affordable" Care Act can also fuck the fucking fuckety fuck off--just on the sheer principle of the things.

Angel's soon-to-be-ex-husband can fuck off with a cricket bat tipped with a cheese grater.  Reasons why are in the comments. 

Terrorists, physical or cyber, can fuck off.  May their 72 virgins all be clones of Helen Thomas, or demons with cocks the size of a Buick studded with backwards-facing spines.  Or maybe alternates, so that they never get used to the utter horror.

Assholes that kidnap and kill little girls.  Hopefully, the bastard gets the death penalty.  There should be laws passed that if someone kills a kid, they die within however long that child's life was.  By the same methods. 

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