Friday, May 17, 2013

No words.

Fucker.  Don't want a kid?  Use a condom.  Do not get an abortion pill, relabel it as an antibiotic, and give it to your girlfriend who had picked out a name for the baby she'd seen on the ultrasound, and had planned to keep, whether your sorry ass was around or not.

I have no words harsh enough for this self-centered cuntdrip.  None.  May he be sentenced to death for first degree murder, and spend eternity being buggered by spike-dicked demons for what he's done. 



Kate P said...

UGH. A giant FO to mindset that we live in a throwaway society--and that lives can be disposed of at anyone's convenience. Locally we just suffered through the Gosnell trial. It was so hard to stomach.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Gosnell bothered me. What bothered me worse is that it got next to no national coverage because it was a "local crime." Ranted about it here:

This guy, do that to a girlfriend that had named the baby? He's gonna need to suffer in a special hell reserved for child molesters, telemarketers, and those who talk in the theater.