Friday, September 23, 2011


The fucking fucks that fucking write fucking malware code and fucking computer viruses can fuck off to the fucking level of fucking hell reserved for child molesters and those who talk in the theater. I'm still trying to fucking fix the shit fucking screwed up by FUCKING malware found by my virus scanner yesterday. I still can't sign into my university's distance learning program to get yesterday's grading done.


ricki said...

Speshul Snowflakes can FTFO.

Guess what, skippy? Your problem is not any more earth shaking than the other 100 students I have. You do not deserve any more of my time than anyone else.

And guess what, bucko? I have problems too. Problems that I have to deal with before I can even contemplate your problems.

So, grow up a little, realize that the universe doesn't revolve around you, and leave me the F alone.

Kate P said...

That sucks, HH! I hope everything's fixed soon.

I almost got trampled by mini-speshul-snowflakes who can't control themselves at a pep-rally-type event at school today, Ricki, so I feel your pain. Thank God they didn't crush their classmates.

3 p.m. Friday meetings can FO, as can passive-aggressive BS, and also immature people who think if they pitch a fit or say my predecessor "always did it before" they'll get out of doing something (i.e. their JOB). Um, NO. I'm not putting up with this.