Friday, July 22, 2011

Adjunct abuse can fuck off.

I recently found out that two of my university's adjuncts quit--despite having had two classes each assigned for the fall semester.

I don't blame them, even a little.  My university hasn't given adjuncts a raise since before I graduated from high school.  Since the university set up the new database that does everything, the adjuncts don't get paid until the last working day of either September or February, depending on the semester.

By state law and university rules, we're forbidden from teaching more than four courses per year (summer doesn't count), and from teaching even 200 level survey courses. 

We get no benefits (which I can't argue with--I don't need benefits), no chance at tenure track positions (again, can't argue--though I wish some of the tenured faculty were fireable), and a quarter of the pay of the full-time non-tenured faculty, and an eighth of the pay of the non-tenured, nonessential administration.

From what I gather, we're treated well at our university.  And that can fuck off.


ricki said...

Three things for today:

1. Terrorists who think it's peachy to blow up innocent citizens as a way of airing their grievances with the modern world.

2. Posturing POS politicians who are screwing our futures and seem to be trying to make us into a hybrid of today's Greece and Weimar-Republic Germany

3. The got-damned cocksucking heat. We've had this heat for like two months now. I want to freaking DIE. Yes, I know, it's worse in New England right now where no one has airconditioning...but frankly, I have run out of sympathy.

Kate P said...

Man. An F-off to everything mentioned so far. And a double FO to the people who seem to lose all driving ability when the weather gets hot. I was out for not even 90 minutes this morning (where it was already pushing 90 degrees), and nearly got into at least one accident (no turn signal from the truck, slow turn making me stop short), saw someone run a red light, and got stuck behind a very elderly driver (in a brand new car!) going way under the speed limit, with the driver behind me riding my bumper. Stay the fuck home if you can't take the heat!

Heroditus Huxley said...

Nanny-state government can fuck off. Again, the drop-side crib ban is becoming a major issue--I broke my daughter's, this morning. The catch just snapped on the left-hand side. And now, we can't find a replacement.

Kate P said...

That sucks. How about Craigslist? eBay?

The Fifth String said...

Second to the above. But for today, my FO is for death of innocents. Not just the innocent Scandinavians killed by that puke. My beloved MIL passed away Friday. It was quick and merciful, and she had a long and productive life, but still, fuck that. Though she would, no doubt, be ashamed of me for using such language. My apologies, Carol, but fuck that. I love you and I hate the hole your passing has left in so many lives. Death can FOAD.