Friday, March 11, 2011

Turning 32.

Gas prices can fuck right off--otherwise, we'd have my mother watching the kids while we went to the range.

The fucktard-in-chief and his merry fucking band of fucking idiots can fuck right off for opposing the policies and actions that could ease it can fuck off so hard their wives can taste it.

Have at it.


Kate P said...

(Can I still wish you a happy birthday? Take consolation in knowing I'm older. . .)

The mess in the Philly Archdiocese is tops on my list today. I'm sad, I'm angry, and I'm confused. I know the Church has survived worse, but this sucks.

The Fifth String said...

Fuck off to earthquakes and tsunamis.

The Fifth String said...

Forgot to add: Damn, you're both so young. I hit the big 52 a few months ago.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Yeah, I'm fine with it, Kate, thanks. I just would have written more (since the gas price thing is so frustrating) were I not otherwise busy today. It's really worthy of a Val-style rant.