Thursday, January 6, 2011

More personal stuff

Infant colds that require traumatizing a baby that's just barely a month old (she absolutely hates the bulb syringe, and will scream like I'm caning her) can fuck off. Especially since it means that this weekend's planned visit to my in-laws is up in the air, which is not fair to my two year old imp who adores his grandparents. So, yeah: anything that makes a tiny baby sick can fuck right the fucking fuck off.

With cheese.


ricki said...

My stupid allergies, coupled with the dry weather here, which have made me sneeze so hard and so many times I pulled several of my intercostal muscles and now cramp up every time I sneeze, can heartily FTFO. With cheese.

The Fifth String said...

Fuck off to that filthy little shit in Arizona. I hope they fry his scumbag ass.