Friday, August 27, 2010

Administration and bureaucracy

You know, the idiot conjoined twin concepts that share a brain and think they know everything needed to run something. Yeah. Those can fuck off. With Cheez in a spray can.

First problem: one of my classes didn't "make." (Actually, if admin had permitted my department head to do what he wanted, they both would have.) Ten students per section is the minimum, and I had nine students in one section, eleven in the other. All they would have had to do was shift one student into the section with nine, and they told my department to shift the nine students into the other section and yank one.

Granted, I understand on one level: I'm paid by the section, and that would have saved the college the pay on the other. I'm sure nearly $2000 is a huge chunk of the budget on the level they're playing with.

On the other...well...that cuts my pay in half, and I didn't find out until the day classes started.

(At least it left me free to help my department head fix a clerical problem--one of my part-time colleagues was double-booked, so I took one of her 8:00 a.m. TTh classes, and shifted it online--er, Blackboard enhanced it. I'll be on campus two days a week, and they'll be in class. Really. We're not cheating the asshats in the admin of $150 extra in fees for 27 students. I promise.)

Second problem: I have access to one of my rosters. Today. Next week, because admin kept postponing my contract because of the "We don't know if both your sections will make" issue, I'll be deemed no longer working for the university, and won't have access to either my rosters or my pay information (though that last matters less--I won't get paid until the last day of September).

So yeah, admin and bureaucracy can fuck off with the plastic nozzles of their cans of Cheez crammed so far up their ass that the nozzle's are at eye level.

Have a good weekend.


ricki said...

Oh crikey, where to begin.

The person I had to deal with two weeks ago, who was rude and dismissive to me, and is now apparently screwing a former student of mine over because they don't like me, can FTFO. Look, a-hole, if you have a problem with ME, come to ME. Don't hurt another person just because they were my student.

People who make idiot choices - like drinking and driving - that then lead to ripple-effect consequences that screw up other people's lives, can FTFO.

And all the misery a lot of my students seem to be experiencing (family breakups, illnesses, job losses, children with health issues) can FTFO. Leave my students alone and let them get their education!

This week has left me tired and sad. (And it doesn't help that the news channels are all having a giant pity-wank-fest over the fifth anniversary of Katrina: yes, it was a horrible thing and probably should be memorialized. But I really don't need to be reminded of how truly awfully some people behaved during that time.)

Kate P said...

Yeah, HH, I encountered plenty of issues on the other side of BlackBoard as an online student, so I know exactly the asshattery you're talking about. I was so desperate to get a class I needed once that I had to line up a bunch of classmates to beg to get another section opened.

Idiot neighbors who can't train their dog or teach their kids proper courtesy can FTFO. The overwhelmed feeling I have about starting at the new school can FTFO.

And having to get up at something like 3:30 in the morning tomorrow can FTFO only if it turns out the trip sucks. I can probably FO for agreeing to go. At least the cat will be happy she gets breakfast early.

The Fifth String said...

I got nuthin'. Home early of a Friday with an open beer.

But I'll second all of the above.

WV: dinedest - "suprisingly good food"

JeffS said...

The Federal Goobermint can fuck off with a rubber thong. Just because.

Asshats who make a decision and then tell people that they didn't make that decision, because they might be embarrassed, or just because they could, can fuck off with an angry diseased badger until the sun burns out.

TW: emali. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll check my freakin' e-mail in a minute.