Friday, July 2, 2010

The administration

For the sake of the country, the economy, and our future generations, the current administration and most congresscritters can fuck off.

That is all.


JeffS said...

"...the current administration and most congresscritters can fuck off."


Narrow minded, intransigent, self-centered, hard headed, ass covering, empire building intolerably smug bureaucrats masquerading as "professionals" can fuck off with a pile driver coated with diamond dust from now until forever.

We do not have the time for your fucking little territorial battles, asswipes. Get your collective head out of your collective ass, and let the real professionals deal with the problem. You'll get your share of the pie, never fear.

Kate P said...

I've had enough of them, myself, so right on, HH & JeffS.

The under-compensation of decent educators can fuck off. I'm feeling the pinch and it hurts something awful.

The Fifth String said...

I got nothin' (still walking on air) so I'll just echo the above.

ricki said...

And I'll add to JeffS's.

Officious, smug, "We know what's best for you so we're going to try to run your life" types can FTFO. As can anyone who thinks that centralizing everything, nationalizing everything, is the best way to go.

Doesn't anyone remember the news reports from the Soviet Union of the 1970s, where housewives wound up standing in line 6 hours in order to get their "nationalized" groceries? WE DON'T WANT THAT HERE.

Laura's Daughter said...

Coworker Ex-boyfriend, for getting his manly feelings hurt (to the point of sulking and the silent treatment!) if I dare once to correct him, never mind him (wrongly!) correcting me all the time as well as insulting me. He is SUCH a girl.

Everyone else, perhaps watching this will help. It always does me, and I hum it at work and everyone thinks I'm happy :)

I Hate Everyone - Get Set go

On the other hand, F Yeah to my parents being married 28 years tomorrow :D

Kate P said...

That song is hilarious! You probably would like Maggie Estep (spoken word artist; did some spots for MTV in the '90s): "I don't have anything against men. . . Just stupid men." (from "Hey Baby")a