Saturday, April 10, 2010


We've missed it for two weeks????

Good golly gravy.

Well fuck off to losing track of time.


The Fifth String said...

Hard to believe we missed it and no one complained. I guess life must be good. Or REALLY bad.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Like I posted on my own blog...

Baby-rapers can fuck off. Especially religious baby-rapers.
A thirteen year old girl in Yemen was given in marriage to an adult, probably raped on her wedding night, and killed by her husband. No, it wasn't murder. It was because of the consummation: she suffered a rupture in her sex organs and bled to death.

And, apparently, "child brides" are extremely common in Yemen.

News flash, retards: little girls are not sized to take adult men. Of course they're going to rupture and die.

Yemeni Islamic males can fuck off and die. May their camels knock them down and sodomize them so that they can understand just how bad they've hurt the little girls they've married and raped. May they then be tied down, ass up and naked, in a prison for sexual deviants with abnormally large penises and repeatedly raped until they have a rupture that causes them to bleed to death. May their arrival in hell be gleefully met by a thousand demons with penises the size of their camels', just to keep things familiar.

And, just to make sure I'm not accused of racism, may Tony Alamo and Warren Jeffs suffer the same fate.

Filthy bastards.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

HH, I wonder if FGM was involved as well, making her even more vulnerable to injury. Just icing on the cake.

punishyourma said...

We have cake. They have lies.

Joel said...

HH, you're my hero once again!

Heroditus Huxley said...


They. Tied. Her. Up. The fucking cowardly fuckwad couldn't manage to gather himself to rape her while she could fight back, so he fucking tied up. A. Twelve. Year. Old. Girl. I don't know if FGM was involved or not, but this bastard is going to rot in hell.


Thanks. You might well like what I posted today at my blog. Don't watch the video unless your blood pressure isn't high, or prone to spiking.

ricki said...

After HH's incredible f-off (and those guys are gonna have some serious 'splainin' to do once they get to the afterlife), mine seems minor but:

People who fail to plan ahead can f-the-f-off.

Our last drop day was this week. I had no fewer than three people e-mail me begging for mercy and make-ups, and when I said "no," had to schedule a time to come in so I could sign their "I'm a poopy babyhead who can't think ahead and I also suck at class attendance so I deserve to withdraw from this class" sheets.

One of them never showed up. Which means that he can either accept the Fs (yes, plural, he is in more than one of my classes) he is earning, OR I will have to use the extra-seekrit speshul-snowflake drop tool that involves going around to a bunch of admins and doing an interpretive dance as to why this guy should be dropped.

The thing is, this is someone who has had health-problems (documented) and life-problems. BUT he has not kept me in the loop. And it is too late for him to makeup the 6 weeks he missed now. And no, I can't make him go to the admins and do the interpretive dance. I have to.

The thing people don't realize is, every late paper, every form I have to fill out and sign for them, every person coming in all sad-faced and "needing" something from me, costs me TIME. And that I cannot do things on the spur of the moment; I have my own work to attend to.

The Fifth String said...

Yeah, sorry folks. Posted a new one just a few minutes ago. I know you needed it.