Friday, April 16, 2010

Late again

Well fuck off to me. And to late afternoon meetings that go overtime. Chime in if you not too pissed off at me.


ricki said...

A list, if I may:

1. People who can't plan ahead, and then need something done at the OMGWTFBBQ last second.

2. People who do #1, and then get angry with you because you are not in your office at 5:15 pm on a Friday, the very last day they could possibly do that thing, even though there is no reasonable reason why you would have to be there.

3. Students who come to your office and say "I won't be in class today, are we doing anything." NO, of course not. Since you're not going to be there, I just might as well cancel class. "Are we going to do anything?" What do you THINK?

4. People who can't be arsed to come to class and who don't even come to ask me "are we doing anything?" and then who miss the important announcement about stuff they need to do to be ready for next week.

5. People who can't do 3 or 4, and who can't even be arsed to look at the online course page, where I have very helpfully posted the IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT for next week.

6. People who bitch and moan about not being allowed to participate in a lab because they were absent (in so very many ways) and did not do the NECESSARY PRE PREPARATION for the lab.

how many more weeks until summer break?

Kate P said...

("OMGWTFBBQ"--grill 'em, Ricki!)

I'm not fully awake yet, so this still counts as Friday for me. . .

Uncertainty about my job can FTFO. This whole, "There's a bit of good news, but it's not really good news yet," business is almost worse than not knowing anything at all.

Also, the senior-itis that the 12th graders all seem to have can just FO with the cheese sticks and other food they keep bringing into the library. It's like a reversion into 12-year-olds with the joking, slapping, backpack-stealing, running, and mouthing off. Enough already. You make us want to count the days until you leave, and that's sad.

Heroditus Huxley said...

As I said over at my blog...the federal government can FUCK the FUCKING FUCKETY FUCK RIGHT OFF. As usual.

Dear Leader told us, back when he was on the campaign trail for mandatory Medicaid, he said that those of us with treatable, but non-life-threatening, painful illnesses would have to deal with the pain with suitable painkillers.

Well, you fucking moronic, fucking teleprompter-reading, fucking mouth-breathing fucking shit-for-brains, how in the FUCKING HELL are we supposed to FUCKING DO that little thing, when the ABSOLUTE FUCKWITS IN THE FUCKING D. E. FUCKING A. FUCKING CRIMINALIZE the FUCKING APPROPRIATE FUCKING TREATMENT OF FUCKING PAIN?!?

If you have a problem with high blood pressure, don't go over to my blog and watch the Stossel video that spawned this.