Friday, January 1, 2010

Good Riddance

2009 can fuck off, if only for the grief it brought so many people I care about.

But now it's 2010. Like that crap movie with Roy Scheider. But without Hellen Mirin's tits. Here's a big FUCK YEAH for all of us to have a great year that puts all that shit behind us. It's already starting out fantastic. I woke up next to a hot guy who made me coffee and the first thing I'm going to see on TV today is an outdoor hockey game. I've got nothing to tell off except last year.

But maybe you do, so, as usual, the forum is yours.


Heroditus Huxley said...

Dipshits who don't understand that the lack of a high school diploma or a G.E.D. will prevent them from having any job with more responsibility than slinging a mop can fuck right off. One of you fucking twatwaffles got my poor other half's hopes up that he would be able to hire some help last week, before he noticed the lack.

2009 can indeed fuck right off. It started out badly on January 20, and went quickly and steeply downhill from there. May 2010 bring much frustration from the Dhimmicrites in congress and Dear Leader, with regards to any and all legislation aimed at crippling our nation. I sincerely hope they fail miserably at abrogating our God-given rights.

The shitbirds who publicly wished long ill health, suffering, and death on Rush Limbaugh can fuck right off. I may not like your dipshit media commentators, but I don't wish ill on them.

JeffS said...

May 2010 bring much frustration from the Dhimmicrites in congress and Dear Leader, with regards to any and all legislation aimed at crippling our nation. I sincerely hope they fail miserably at abrogating our God-given rights.


I'll third the "2009 can fuck off" meme, especially without Helen Mirren's tits (I must admit, I had to hit Bing to confirm who whom she is).

Weather that can't make up its mind can fuck off. First we had snow, then freezing rain, then sun, then cold, followed by more snow, freezing rain, and sun. Plus a squall went through the area this afternoon, bringing more freezing rain, and an unconfirmed report of a funnel cloud.

FUCK. OFF. WEATHER. Seriously.

Happy New Year, all!

The Fifth String said...

Ohio State can fuck off.