Friday, November 20, 2009

This Is So Important I Must Drop It In Your Lap And Go Home

People who come to you with a Very! Urgent! Matter! at the end of the day and then inform you that they are leaving to go home can fuck off. If it's so fucking important you expect me to drop everything, it should be important enough to spend an extra five fucking minutes at your job. A little effort above and beyond to get things done never killed anyone.

And the boss who actually spoke the words "You're a little ditzy sometimes but you're a good girl" to Laura's Daughter can Fuck Off With Knobs On (see last week's thread). Condescending fuckwad.

Your turn.


ricki said...

Students who skip class, show up to class hungover, don't turn in assignments, don't read my comments on the handed back assignments to see what they messed up, but then who come crying to me that "I'm going to get a D, wah wah wah. You need to do something so I don't, wah, wah, wah" can FTFO with extreme prejudice.

I am VERY BUSY at this point with all kinds of stuff I have to do. I do not have time to MAKE UP the stuff for you that you missed or were too hungover to understand. Grow up, accept that you screwed the pooch this semester, and do better next time.

I have had students undergoing CANCER TREATMENT who made an effort and got Bs and As. I have students who buried their own mothers during the course of the semester who still succeeded.

I have ZERO sympathy for people who won't confine their binge drinking to the weekends. I have ZERO sympathy for people who have needy girl/boyfriends who expect them to spend loads of time with them. GROW UP PEOPLE.

Cullen said...

There are fuck-offable issues out there, but what's really bothering me today is mail.

I'm the editor of a publication that has nearly 700,000 constituents. I get a lot of mail. So much so that I pretty much have to set aside one full day a week to deal with it. Sometimes more than that.

What pisses me off more than anything? Tape. Don't. Fucking. Tape. Your. Letter. Shut. Do you know how hard that makes it to open?

Come on.

punishyourma said...

I also hate it when people staple envelopes closed. I get invoices sometimes where the person sending them couldn't be bothered to seal the envelope, so they staple it in the middle. The contents are stuck to the fucking thing. Assholes.

ricki said...

I will confess to having occasionally taped an envelope shut.

Why? Because the utility company cheaped out on envelope glue, it won't stay stuck shut, and I don't want to trust that my check - with my home address and bank account number - won't fall out somewhere en route.

I tend to feel like if a company uses crappy glue on the envelopes people are supposed to send back to them, they deserve to have to deal with tape.

(I realize that's not your case, Cullen. But my local gas company is really bad for crappy non-sticky envelopes. And I can't always find a glue-stick.)

Joel said...

Chocolate-syrup-saturated crib mattresses can fuck off. So can working the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

You know, I can think of several adjectives for my kid. Smart. Focused. Honest. Diligent. Funny. Articulate. Literate. Conscientious. Curious. Loyal. Kindhearted. ...Ditzy? That never would occur to me.

punishyourma said...

I don't know the kid, but she's never come across as anything but what you've just described here. My jaw dropped when I read what she wrote. Not just because it's entirely inappropriate to begin with, but because it's just plain not TRUE. What an asshole for talking to her like that.

Laura's Daughter said...

Coworker Boyfriend thinks the boss was just kidding, but he's in such a bromance with the boss it's hard to tell whose side he's on. Sigh.

The Fifth String said...

I didn't weigh in yesterday, too much going on, but I gots me one today.

Fuck off to that little arrogant prick in the Audi (oddly, not a beemer, it's usually a beemer) who decided that he was far too important a prick to sit in the traffic behind the accident today. If I'd seen him quickly enough, I'd have pulled over onto the shoulder to block him but I didn't, so the little fuck went zipping on by the rest of us on the shoulder because he's oh-so-far-too-important to be delayed by a mere traffic jam.

And fuck off to whoever let him back into the snarl when the shoulder disappeared. Should have pushed his sorry ass off into a ditch.

The Fifth String said...

But FUCK YEAH! to the schadenfreude I felt watching all those sneaky jerks who thought they could take the frontage road and pass us, only to learn that the frontage road was a dead end.

And Fuck Yeah! to whoever took down the "No Outlet" or "Not a Through Road" sign that should have been on said frontage road.