I took that photo at Ground Zero in November of 2003. Yeah, I'm a shit photographer; I was trying to get a good picture of the cross fashioned from the WTC wreckage you can see near the center. This was before I had a digital camera and could take a few shots until I captured something decent. It's the best I could do at the time.
And the people in the surrounding corridors - who are probably still there today - peddling their grief porn in the form of tacky 9/11 souveniers can FUCK OFF for exploiting something this awful to make money.
Students who don't read announcements before asking me a question I already answered can fuck right off. So can students that don't bother reading the questions thread, or my answers, before asking a duplicate question on the same questions thread, or via e-mail. I won't even mention the students that "forgot" that they'd enrolled in my class, or those who don't know to look for assignments in the assignments section of the class website.
Violent radicals of all stripes--Reds, Greens, Browns, Christians, athiests, Rainbows, and Muslims--can fuck off. Especially Muslims. May every violent, radical, extremist Muslim who danced in the street as the towers fell contract the swine flu and die.
My lousy housekeeping skills can fuck off, too. I wish I could keep all the paper picked up off the floor so my son wouldn't keep trying to eat it. He's crawling, now, and I can't keep him out of anything in the living room.
I second Emily's fuck off. 'Nuff said on that.
Bitter, partisan Presidents can fuck off as well. That was one heckuva unifying speech there, fella. Not.
Conniving, lying, back stabbing, bureaucratic crapweasels can FUCK OFF with a rusty stapler. One extreme example of this species has made one project hell for our office. Happily, said crapweasel's antics have been brought into the open, and that person is enjoying the fruit of their labors as we speak.
HH, nice to hear that your son is growing so quickly! But I can imagine your dismay at his choice of diet....
Yes YEs YES to Emily's fuck off.
I totally forgot it was Friday.
What everyone else said.
Terrorists can fuck off. Governments that condemn women to second-class-citizen status because they can can fuck off. People who believe the way to get into paradise is to take out as many innocents as possible with a suicide bomb can fuck off.
(I admit secretly - and I know this is terrible - but that they are reincarnated as cockroaches.)
Way too tired for a robust FO post. So I'll just second the above. And may those cockroaches die a thousand deaths.
All of the above.
And the fact that there's still just a big hole at Ground Zero today can fuck off, too.
I almost forgot--it's the 7th anniversary of being laid off for the only time ever in my life. Not that I'm really bitter about it anymore, but that horrible man-child who ran the company into the ground, and then had the heartlessless to announce on the first anniversay of 9/11 that he was closing the company, can fuck off. I hope karma gets him good, because the licensing company he started up while the company was going down (and that I didn't realize I was helping set up as his soon-to-be-former assistant!) is still going strong.
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