Friday, August 7, 2009

The USPS Is Fucking Faster

Yahoo! mail can fuck off. I know I shouldn't complain about freeware crap not working since I'm not paying a dime for it, but Jebus, get your shit together already, Yahoo. I'm sick of constantly having problems with my e-mail.

Is g-mail any better? Anyone?

And RIP, John Hughes. 59-year-old men dropping dead of heart attacks can fuck off.


Tommy said...

John Hughes dying can fuck off. I knew I liked his stuff, but a brief review of his output on IMDB and I own 12 flicks that he wrote and/or directed. I'd be hard pressed to find another writer or director whose got a stronger representation on my movie shelf, and if you'd given me three guesses before checking, Hughes wouldn't have been a one of the three.

JeffS said...

Emily, I pay $20 bucks a year for Yahoo! mail, and I get only an occasional problem with e-mail. I keep the account largely because I'm a member of a number of talk groups there, and I download my e-mail to boot. Gmail is free, and offers most of the same features as Yahoo!, but has it's own issues, which appear to be minor. I view both of them as being about equal in quality. FWIW, Gmail does have a slightly better spam filter.

OK, on to the FFOT.......

Elected representatives who can't ride out their constituents' anger and frustration need to find a different way of earning a nickel. If they like their cushy job too much, and stack their "public" meetings with shills and thugs so as to pretend to listen, they can fuck off with a flamming ballot box filled with chads.

"Virtual" townhalls are only slightly better, but only *if* you actually *listen*, and not selectively ignore opinions you don't want to hear.

This is part of human nature, ESPECIALLY when they feel threatened, as many people assuredly do with Obamacare and similar measures coming out of Washington DC these days. Anger is a typical emotional response to fear, especially of the unknown. If you're going to be a leader (and that's what congresscritters are), you can not ignore that fear. You have to address it.

The top congressional leaders (Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, etc), who are waving the "Obamacare opponents are Nazis!" card can fuck off with a rusty Schmeisser. Guess what, fuckheads: the First Amendment remains in force. If you want to shut down debate by trying to shame (or intimidate) people, the definition of fascism ain't what you think it is.

And the same thing goes for the astroturfing smear!

On a local level, cubicle rearrangements can fuck off with a broken power drill. Especially when "The Plan" is "You ain't ready yet?" after several weeks of silence on the part of the office chiefs. I had to clean out a bunch of cabinets in a hurry. Mind you, there was a bunch of junk there, the cleaning was needed. But don't expect me to get everything you wanted done, not after I spent several days dumping crap.

And here's a FUCK YEAH! The weather has cooled off considerably in the Northwest, 20+ degrees. Why, the weekend may even be decent! Yay!

Cullen said...

I concur. RIP Hughes.

Em, as far as the delivery and receipt of mail, Gmail is tons better than Yahoo IMHO. I think Yahoo is far more customizable, but Gmail is just a better mail server.

punishyourma said...

Thanks for the info, guys! I appreciate the feedback.

Kate P said...

Whoa, did not catch up with Hughes. That sucks.

I'm with JeffS--a FUCK YEAH! to the weather here in SE PA. It is really nice not to have to use the AC so I can breathe and sleep better.

I'm awarding this week's FO to the mom of one of my library teens who told me she's not sure about the movie I'm showing at my event this weekend because her "younger brother had some concerns." About the BEATLES!? WTF!?!?!? Can anybody tell me what's questionable about "Hard Day's Night"? It's not the one with the cult or "Yellow Submarine." Jeez, lady. I mean, as the parent you have the right to decide whether or not your own kid should go, but don't go blaming me for why your kid is opting out of an event. It's sign up, not tell me if you're not coming. I don't care. When nobody shows up I'll start caring.

I think that kid is a little on the immature side and just doesn't like to stay for entire events and always is looking for a way out if feeling uncomfortable/shy. Including claiming stomachaches. Sooner or later the kid's gotta put up or shut up, or just not come. Not every kid likes every event, and there will be plenty more, so what's the big deal? But this enabling stuff is ticking me off. I don't coddle.

Val Prieto said...

What JeffS said.

Excuse us, oh dear congressional leaders, for expecting you all to do your FUCKING jobs and FUCKING listening to the people that FUCKING hired you in the first FUCKING place. Out of touch FUCKING FUCKSTAINS.

And as an appropriate FFOT tribute to John Hughes:

punishyourma said...

Google can fuck off for refusing to allow me to access blogspot sites because I was a spambot. Assholes. Anyone else have that problem?

Julie said...

None of my FO's could possibly compare to Val's (bows at his feet), so I'm going to just say, "What he said!"

wv: malogm, opposite of "shalom"

Kate P said...

Getting locked out of my own workplace by my co-workers can fuck off, too. Thanks for not noticing I left my purse, keys, and bags upstairs with the intent of coming back upstairs after my meeting. As I always do, people.

Heroditus Huxley said...

I was too angry to write a coherent fuck-off yesterday, but Rahm Emmanuel's brother can FUCK the FUCK OFF with a barbed wire wrapped rusted metal fence post dripping with rancid habanero nacho cheeze for his FUCKING HEARTLESS suggestion of how to apportion mandatory medicaid's rationing. His delightful idea is that teenagers who need care should be considered more important than babies, because of how much society has invested in said teenager. He also said that 50+ should go to the back of the line because they're reaching the end of their "useful life span."

You FUCKING dickhole. I'd hope your infant needed care, but YOU'RE PART OF THE SYSTEM OF PARASITES THAT WON'T HAVE TO DEPEND ON MANDATORY MEDICAID. And I don't wish harm on infants. You--there're just no words in English to describe what a FUCKING despicable piece of FUCKING MONKEY BALLS you are.

Heroditus Huxley said...

I was too angry to write a coherent fuck-off yesterday, but Rahm Emmanuel's brother can FUCK the FUCK OFF with a barbed wire wrapped rusted metal fence post dripping with rancid habanero nacho cheeze for his FUCKING HEARTLESS suggestion of how to apportion mandatory medicaid's rationing. His delightful idea is that teenagers who need care should be considered more important than babies, because of how much society has invested in said teenager. He also said that 50+ should go to the back of the line because they're reaching the end of their "useful life span."

You FUCKING dickhole. I'd hope your infant needed care, but YOU'RE PART OF THE SYSTEM OF PARASITES THAT WON'T HAVE TO DEPEND ON MANDATORY MEDICAID. And I don't wish harm on infants. You--there're just no words in English to describe what a FUCKING despicable piece of FUCKING MONKEY BALLS you are.

JeffS said...

HH, do you have a link to that? I believe you, I just want to pass it on to others.

JeffS said...

Never mind, I think I found it.