Friday, August 14, 2009

Late again

Meetings, meetings, meetings. Bleh. And more to come.

Take it away, kids.


Cullen said...

You fucking bitches. You worthless, spineless, thoughtless, emotionless evil bastards. You think that when you put a "Rep" or a "Sen" in front of your name you're suddenly above the commoners. You think, "How dare we question you?" Well, I got news for you buddy, you fucking work for us and we ain't too happy with the job you're doing. So, as always, Congress can FOAD. They all deserve to have their slimy, weasely, frothy-lipped lies and shoved back down into their pits of dishonesty with a flag-wrapped fist of vengeance. Fuckers.

Cullen said...

Oh, and pneumonia can FOAD too. As can reporters who don't bother to fact check simple things.

No, NPR, he didn't invent the electric guitar. He did, however, help develop one of the first solid-body electric guitars. He also invented multi-track recording which is actually a far bigger deal. Goddamn, even Wikipedia gets this shit right more often than paid journalists.

punishyourma said...

Holy shit. I completely forgot it was Friday. I can fuck off for that. Thanks for picking up my slack, Ken Dear.

And yes, Cullen, I have to second your FOAD to factually-challenged reporters. I seem to be seeing it more and more these days, journalists spouting off about shit when they either have no fucking clue what they're talking about or they get details wrong. The worst part is, it's not like they have to haul their ass to a library or anywhere in the world. With the internet, you can research damn near anything without ever getting off your ass. For fuck's sake, you can do it with an iPod in a broom closet. Not that things like Lexis Nexis - with any professional journalist will no doubt have access to - made it any more acceptable before.

punishyourma said...

"WHICH any professional journalist..."

Ugh. This week can fuck off.

ricki said...

Cullen, you are seconded on your Congress FO. I am just waiting for the day when one of them, told that the prices of food have risen to the point where it's hard for some folks to buy bread, responds, "Let them eat cake."

My FO? Meetings. I have had four meetings in the past two days. ONE of those meetings was actually useful.

Also, people who need to stand up and flap their gums about their totally unrelated-to-the-meeting hobbyhorse issue can FTFO. Seriously, you are wanting to prolong all of our agonies by 20 minutes just because you can't keep your damn piehole shut?

Laura(southernxyl) said...

My cat, for trying to eat a sewing needle with a 5-in tail of pink thread, and for fighting me when I had to hold her still and force her stupid little jaws open so I could run my finger around in her stupid little mouth, find said needle, dislodge it where it was wedged up-and-down, and pull the thread back out of her stupid little throat where she had swallowed it.

And then she was mad at me.

Tommy said...

This shit where I bury my head in my work, and fail to look around at the world surrounding me can fuck off.

Apparently bands need to have a direct line to my house, because in the seventy hours a week I'm on the motherfucking internet, I'm too damn preoccupied to see that they're wandering to my neck of bumfuck....

JeffS said...

I third Cullen. Congresscritters turning into oligarchs, and we need to firmly discourage that.

Evirotards working for the government (any government, local, state, or Federal) can fuck off with a dead cactus. I attended a meeting this week where no less than three of them were preaching against the evils of human development, and wanted to set up severe restrictions against it. At a meeting which is supposed to be developing GUIDANCE, not REGULATIONS or LAWS. Jeez, stick with the game plan, don't hijack the meeting for your own agendas.

But I offer a FUCK YEAH!!! to the gubbermint employees at that meeting who basically told the official envirotards to Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

No, they didn't say "Shut. The. Fuck. Up.", but it came close.

Me, I wanted to say something like, "Look fuckbrains, your fucking salary is paid by people who earn money off those fucking developments you hate so much. Setting up severe restrictions is NOT the way to solve environmental issues, unless you don't want people to earn a living and pay taxes. So when you start doing all this fucking work and travel FOR FUCKING FREE, I'll take you seriously. Until then, you're a fucking leech on the ass of civilization. Start being part of the solution."

Heroditus Huxley said...

I can fuck off for postponing building my online composition 101 class until two weeks before semester starts.

And ditto to those who said congress can fuck off. So can Obama, and the media outlets that have their collective tongues so far up Dear Leader's ass that they're licking his tonsils.

Julie said...

Laura, Laura, Laura... You had me in stiches! As the "mom" of a cat who eats anything string-like (even Easter grass) and then runs around with it sticking out of her ass like streamers on a handlebar, I do sympathize! You get ten karma points just for trying. But next time, put it on video and post it on LOLcats! :)

Laura(southernxyl) said...

Julie, your handlebar streamers image is too much. My husband about died when I read that to him, and cracked up again when we were at Target yesterday and he saw the kids' bikes.