Friday, August 8, 2014

I can't rant.

My rage-o-meter has pegged out past red because of happenings in a friend's life, recently.  I just can't work up much of a head of steamed to be able to write out profanity-laced rants over politicians "losing" money, or wasting money, or about the "Affordable" Care Act, or about anything else, really.  I've been angry about the current situation since late May, and I'm just...tired.  Numbed.  Exhausted by the level of anger* I've maintained for months. 

Have at it.  Tell the world what has made your week suck.  I'm signing off, and gonna go write.

*Anger which has been enhanced by constant dick moves made by the emotionally abusive party in the situation.  The party who fled the state and started the whole fucking mess, and who has continued to attempt to manipulate, prod, and abuse the party who didn't flee the state in an attempt to gain justification of their lovingly-maintained one-sided narrative that their victim is actually the abuser.


Anonymous said...

We live seven miles from the mexican border in south Texas. I am very concerned that we will soon be over run with illegals. My father (86) had agreed to let us move in with him to help him out and allow us to be 300 miles further north...he backed out of the deal and we are stuck here for now. Through a misunderstanding, my wife has to sit out of work for a year due to a technicality with the teacher's retirement rules, or lose her monthly retirement check. I quit my job late last year and burned that bridge to the ground. I thought she would be able to go back to work full time and still get her monthly check. Her check will barely cover the bills. No budget for food. The illegal parasite that are entering our country can fuck the fuck off.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Amen to that. All of it.