Friday, February 22, 2013

late nights

Late nights, always followed by very early mornings, can FTFO.  I cannot seem to be able to settle down for sleep before one in the fucking morning.  I cannot shut my stupid fucking brain off.  And the kids just do not sleep later than about seven in the fucking morning. 


Kate P said...

Amen! My cat has decided 3:30 is the new starting time of the day, complete with a climb onto my bureau so she can knock everything off and serenade me. SO TIRED.

FO to selfish people and idiot administrations. It takes a clueless person to say openly they want to pay a person to do a job I did FOR FREE (and was required to come in on days off) last year. UGH.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Yikes, that's awful!