Friday, November 4, 2011

Grading. Paperwork.

It can all fuck off.

I just picked up papers, and according to my contract, I'm required to have them back to my students by Saturday (it says 72 hours). I've also been helping a colleague whose eyes can't tolerate looking at a computer screen for long periods with his online grading, and one of his students plagiarized her last assignment--five out of nine questions, from four different websites--and most of the rest totally butchered one of my favorite poets. I have more to do tomorrow, and that can fuck off.

So can the fact that the administration is pushing more and more of the paperwork they were originally hired to do onto the faculty. Like we don't have enough to do with the aforementioned grading.

Having all this to do all this with two sick toddlers can really fuck off.


ricki said...

I thought my campus was the only one where the administrators saved themselves time by making the faculty (and department chairs) do their paperwork.

Right now, there are a couple students I'd dearly love to tell to FTFO. I mean, seriously, if you HATE every biology class you are in and you are going to complain loudly to anyone who will hear about how much biology sucks, maybe you need to find another major.

Also, the fact that I'm dead exhausted every Friday afternoon and yet still have work I have to do on Saturdays (and church stuff on Sundays) that I never actually get a day OFF can FTFO. I'm grateful to be employed but I'm really getting tired of carrying work home with me.

ricki said...

Also, plagiarists can FTFO, with a rusty chainsaw dipped in vinegar. I've had far more than my share of plagiarists the last few years. I'd like to throw people out of school for the first offense, but it doesn't work that way here.

The Fifth String said...

Going back to work after deer season can FTFO, but that's a pretty small one compared to you two ladies.

Kate P said...

Punk-ass skater kids who cross against the light at a busy intersection can FTFO, with greasy wheels. Wait for the green, morons. You are the ones who make everyone hate skaters.

Amen to the FOs on grades, paperwork, and plagiarists. Add on the administrative "hitter" who wants me to cover things exactly in sync with another class's deadlines--a class that meets every DAY and not ONCE A WEEK like mine (if I'm lucky and there aren't "special events" preempting class)--and I'll throw in the flaming cheese for free.

I hope the kids get better soon, HH.