Friday, August 12, 2011


I only have one thing to add to the following video's rant:

Mr. President, shut the FUCK up.  Every time you've fucking gone in front of a fucking camera for the past two fucking weeks, the market has SHIT THE BED. PLEASE stop telling us that everything's going to be better, now--we can't afford for our markets to lose ANOTHER FUCKING TWO THOUSAND FUCKING POINTS.

1 comment:

Kate P said...

"What's the government's credit score?" Good point!!!

Attention cancer, the NJ Turnpike, my (now dead) laptop, whoever effed up the faculty back-to-school memo with all the wrong dates on it (and STILL hasn't corrected it!), all the people who ran red lights yesterday like it was some kind of official holiday, rioters in the UK and teen mobs trashing Philly, and whoever has a hand in running the economy into the ground. . . you're all on my FO List. You suck.