Friday, November 26, 2010

The TSA, and reactivity vs. proactivity

I don't oppose increased security on airlines. I haven't opposed such since September 2001.

I do, however, think the TSA and Homeland Security can fuck the fucking fuckety fuck off with bells on, and jagged glass knobs dipped in habanero nacho cheez. I have no clue how they can justify groping or strip searching little kids, or breaking cancer survivors' urine bags, or having people arrested for opting to leave instead of having their "junk" touched--especially as none of those individuals are likely to be a terrorist.

As for the individuals that are likely to be terrorists...well, Homeland Security tends to bend over backwards hard enough to have their heads up their asses just to avoid offending them because of "racial sensitivity."

Which can also fuck off.

This is bad year round--it just happens to get highlighted by holiday travel.


Kate P said...

You pretty much said everything I wanted to say about the TSA and security business, HH. Right on.

On a more personal note, I wish I had been able to tell the nasty guy at the counter in the camera store to FO when he didn't even bother to try to help me with my camera problem and kept just saying, "Why don't you just upload your photos to your computer and then print them out?" Because I told you ten times, you idiot, that I had a printer I just spent good money on that would work just fine and not suck up all the expensive ink in a regular printer.

I just needed help with the camera. Can't you do that? I mean, isn't that part of good business? Now I'll never set foot in your store again, so don't whine to me that your business is bad and you'll have to close. You and your thinly veiled misogyny did it to yourself.

And a FUCK YEAH! to the nice lady at Fuji customer service who walked me through everything. The pictures turned out great and it was the highlight of Thanksgiving to hear my mom say that she loved the posters we made.

The Fifth String said...

Amen, HH! It's not security that irritates me, it's the security theater. And they seem poised to stop patting down muslims while continuing to harass everyone else. Fuck that.