Friday, September 10, 2010


There were a lot of little things that really got on my tits, this week. The worst one was the teething pains that turned my happy, cheerful, funny little imp into a typical two-year-old little shit. So the teething thing can fuck off. Especially with the four last back teeth that also seem to make his ears hurt, and make him unwilling to eat.

Carrying a baby low can also fuck off. Baby girl sitting in pelvic girdle + pregnant hormones loosening ligaments and tendons = some major hip/pelvic pain. Which also makes my back hurt, and makes the above-mentioned teething problems harder to tolerate without screaming.

And being pregnant means I can't end the worst days with a large, neat Scotch.

Update: I almost forgot--Islamofacism can also fuck off, because of what they did nine years ago, and because of what they'd love to do tomorrow on that anniversary. And because of the victory center they want to build in NYC.


ricki said...

That crazy-ass preacher guy who wants to burn Korans can FTFO.

Attention whore. That's all he is, a giant attention whore.

For that matter, all the attention whores out there can FTFO: Paris, Lindsay, all the grandstanding politicians....I hope they all wind up in a cell somewhere together.

JeffS said...

Ricki, all those attention whores need to be locked in a cell with the Islamofacists. And a case of KY jelly.

Kate P said...

Oh no, teething. Maybe if you put the scotch on HIS gums you'll get some relief? (Mostly kidding--my family likes homeopathic remedies and it sounds like a job for chamomilla.) Hope it's over shortly.

Anniversaries of bad events can FTFO.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

HH, my SIL had that difficulty. She wore some kind of band that supported her stomach and lifted it off her hips a bit, which seemed to help, but toward the end she still sometimes couldn't get out of a chair without help.

Sometimes I think evolution only got partway with us women and then lost interest.

Yes to the FO for the church people burning Korans. I cannot remember reading anywhere in the Bible, where Jesus said to offend the living daylights out of people just for the pure hell of it.