Friday, February 26, 2010

Did I forget again last week? Ugh.

Anyhoo...the stoplights in this town can fuck off for being all off-kilter. And closing off a chunk of L.A. two weeks before the Oscars can fuck off. Look, I want to protect our pretty people as much as the next guy. But come on....

Have at it.


Cullen said...

Certain horrific incidents just need to be left the fuck alone. A favorite comic of mine referenced a story where a drug-addeled father attacked his four-year-old boy. I didn't need that. Some things just need to be left alone. Fuck you, Walking Dead.

Tommy said...

My ass is going on vacation. Aside from having to work today, I'm pretty mellow about everything...

The Fifth String said...

Fuck off to assholes who won't make a decision. Expecially when that decision is delaying other things about which other assholes will start screaming soon.

ricki said...

FTFO to all the Kabuki theater in Washington, to all the junk going on, and to the crap sandwich that it looks like the American public is going to be made to eat. And then pay for. And then pay VAT on. And then pay a mandatory tip on, to be fair to the servers.

JeffS said...

Well, first, I want to offer a FUCK, YEAH! to the Republicans for standing up to Obama and his flying monkeys yesterday during the health "care" "summit". I remain unhappy about both parties, but at least the R's are starting to come out of their stupor.

And a hearty, well deserved FUCK OFF AND DIE WITH A BEEHIVE DIPPED IN SARIN to that part of the organization that I work for which can't seem to do their job correctly, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE THE ONES WHO DEFINE THE PROCESS. Running us through a wringer just because you can't tell us what you want us to do for a supposed "emergency" is just PLAIN FUCKING STUPID, YOU GAGGLE OF BABBLING MORONS.

Heroditus Huxley said...

I just finished grading two classes worth of composition papers. I'd like to give a huge FUCK YEAH! to my students this semester. I've got some superb quality writers in both my Comp I and my Comp II classes, and it's always a breeze to grade really good papers.

As always, Dear Leader and his band of merry fools can fuck right the fuck off with the twelve-inch-wide sand-stone health-care-reform dildo they want to ram up our collective ass.

Did we or did we not make clear to you fucking imbeciles that we will not tolerate you ignoring our collective scream of FUCKING HELL FUCKING NO?

And Harry Reid can fuck off for his moronic assertion that the jobs bill is an absolute necessity to keep women from being beaten because their men can't find jobs. Not all men are such pussies, and I resent the implication that they are. Not to mention: Dude! Your wife knows where you sleep! You should NOT threaten her like that!
Other than that, I'm too pleased with my students to offer my usual quality of fuck-off.

Kate P said...

Winter weather can fuck off with a thousand pounds of road salt and flamethrowers. Thanks for making the school year another day longer, Mother Nature.

The senioritis that has been creating a lot of obnoxious behavior among my student can fuck off. Pretty much the only good thing about being home today is that I didn't have to deal with being disrespected by a handful of kids who are going to be up a creek come the fall when they don't rule the school anymore.

Kate P said...

Students, with an "s," I meant.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

Earthquakes. Chile, now. And an expected tsunami.