Several levels, this week. Let's start with the closest: flashbacks can fuck off. So can news stories that cause said flashbacks. I don't need the nightmares and panic attacks.
The creeps in the Penn State football program can fuck right the fuckety fuck off. Both the fucking sick child-raping fuck that was fucking
caught raping a ten-year-old in the showers, and tried to brush it off as "horsing around," and the even sicker fucking bastard that not only did nothing to stop it, but tried to cover it up. May the two of them go to general population in prison, and become cellmates with a person with a giant cock that's proportional to them like they are to the poor kids they harmed.
judge that let the child rapist
go without bail or a monitoring ankle bracelet can more than fuck right fucking fuckety fuck off. May that cunt get raped in such a way that she's as damaged as the kids she was supposed to put those evil bastards away to protect. May she be disbarred from serving as judge, lawyer, politician, or anything in which she'd come into contact with children ever in her life. May she be shunned by everyone everywhere, with no one willing to help her should she ever need it.
I know what those kids are going through. So does anyone my male genetic donor ever coached in little league or basketball.